20 economic fallacies


• Author: Tim Worstall • Translator: Amirhossein Khaleghi • Year of publication: 1400 • Printing turn: First • Number of pages: 150 • Shipping time: 3 to 5 working days

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Part of the book

There are many things that people believe, but they are incorrect from the point of view of economics and the actual behavior of humans. Fallacy also refers to those cases where many people believe that money does not fall through their seams, but in fact they do not. Here we have described twenty of these fallacies; The fallacies that people think wrongly describe the behavior of humans in the conditions of scarcity of resources.

About the author

Tim Worstall (born 27 March 1963) is a British author and blogger and a senior fellow of the Adam Smith Institute. He writes on environmentalism and economics, particularly corporate taxation, which has appeared in the trade press. In 2010 his blog was listed as one of the top 100 UK political blogs by Total Politics.

About the translator

Amirhossein Khaleghi was born on Mehr 17, 1359 in Isfahan city. He continued his education in the field of mathematics and physics until high school in Isfahan city. After passing the industrial engineering course in 1377 at Amirkabir University, he started his university studies and after graduating from this course, due to his interest in humanities and management topics, he went to Shahid Beheshti University for a master's degree in business management. He was busy continuing his studies. In 2007, by accepting a PhD in public administration, majoring in public policy, by changing the direction of his academic studies, he became closer to his personal interests in the field of studies. Simultaneously with his doctoral studies, he taught various courses at Tehran University's Faculty of Management and presented his doctoral thesis with the title "Discourse Analysis of Ethical Issues in Iran's E-Government Policymaking". Amirhossein Khaleghi has so far published various articles in the fields of management, social sciences, etc., and translated two books titled "Complexity and Management; Forget the systemic approach" and "Organizations, identity and image" in the compilation of two volumes of Iranian management books, together with the elites of the management field, he has explained the basics of electronic government. It should be mentioned that he is working with many institutions and organizations in the fields of education and consulting, he is teaching management courses at Tehran University's Faculty of Management, and he is publishing other books in the field of organization and management.